Study Centre

1Centre for Studies in Science and Religion

Registration date:
Prof. Juan José Blázquez Ortega
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Research lines:
Dialogue between Science, Faith, and Culture
Particular lines:
Nature and Implications of Cosmological Models for Christian Faith.
Epistemological and Methodological Development of Interdisciplinary Dialogue between Science, Philosophy, and Theology.
The Nature of the Human Mind in Light of Artificial Intellige
Promote dialogue between science and faith, in continuity with our university's efforts to foster dialogue between faith and Latin American culture.
Specific Objective: Contribute to the construction of a positive and fruitful dialogue between science, philosophy, and theology in the academic world.
Research and analyse the cultural, historical, anthropological, ethical, and political implications and consequences of this dialogue.
Promote interdisciplinary work and studies of this dialogue in the contemporary world, within the university environment, as well as its public dissemination.
UPAEP Members:
Eugenio Urrutia Albisua (Vicerrectoría Académica)
Johanna Olmos López (Investigación)
Juan José Blázquez Ortega (Director del CECIR)
Manuel Abraham Galicia González (CECIR)
María Guadalupe Calleja Cantú (CECIR)
Carlos Ramos Rosete (UPAEP)
José Martín Castro Manzano (UPAEP)
*Paniel Osberto Reyes Cárdenas (Oblate School of Theology)
Fidel Pacheco García (UPAEP)

Miembros externos:Pbro. Marco Antonio González Bañuelos (Sem. Palafoxiano)
Alejandro González Sánchez (UAZ)
Alexandre S. F. De Pomposo García-Cohen (SOC)
Juan Manuel Rodríguez Caso (UNAM)
Eduardo Cruz (PUCSP)
Pbro. Lucio Florio Saraví (PUCA)
Lorena Oviedo (DeCyR)
Claudia Vanney (UAustral)
Ignacio Silva (UAustral)
Rafael Vicuña Errárzurriz (PUCC)
Héctor Velázquez Fernández (UDD)
Co-edition with EUCASA (UCASAL) of: 1) Francisco Faà Di Bruno: The Contribution of Science to Eucharistic Theology, by Emmanuel Ginestra; Charles Darwin and religion: Myths in the history of science, by Juan Manuel Rodríguez Caso.
2Centre for Family Studies
Registration date:
Mtro. José Carlos Ortiz Muggenburg
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Research lines:
Family and Society
Particular lines:
Family and Society
Be a university center for interdisciplinary studies and family services, with internal and external relevance, that serves as a reference in the field of family through research, teaching, and extension, with the capacity to generate proposals and engage with various social actors for a family-oriented culture.UPAEP Members:
Mtra. María Teresa Salinas Martínez
Mtra. Tere Itzel Alva Juárez
Dra. Cintia C. Robles Luján
Family Thermometer in Mexico (2023)
Families in Puebla in 2020 (2023)
Family Chair: Dating and Marriage (2023)
Oramata III Family and Education (2023)
Syllabus II Family and Affectivity (2022)
Family Chair: Amoris Laetitia (2022)
Evolution of the Family in Ibero-America (2021)
Family Thermometer in Mexico (2023)
Families in Puebla in 2020 (2023)
Family Chair: Courtship and Marriage (2023)
Syllabus III Family and Education (2023)
Syllabus II Family and Affectivity (2022)
Family Chair: Amoris Laetitia (2022)
Evolution of the Family in Ibero-America (2021)
Family and Work Situation during the Contingency (2021)
Correlatos Magazine (2020-2023) - 6 issues
Outreach articles - 6 articles/book chapters/reviews published (2021-2023)
3Centre for Guadalupan Studies

Registration date:

Mtro. Gerardo Valle Flores
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Research lines:
Human Person, Dignity, and Transcendence
Particular lines:
Colonial Mexico and the Viceroyalty
History of Puebla, History of Mexico through Art
Thought and Education
The Historicity of the Virgin of Guadalupe
The Virgin of Guadalupe and Science Guadalupan Pedagogy.
Articulate and promote research, study, and dissemination of the Guadalupian Event.
Actively contribute to the study of the Guadalupan Event in its essential functions of creating, disseminating, and critiquing knowledge. Collaborate in the education of the Church through classes.
UPAEP Members:
4Bioethics Centre
Registration date:
Dr. José Manuel Madrazo Cabo
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Research lines:
Life Sciences and Bioethics
Particular lines:
Life Sciences and Bioethics
Human and Social Development
We are an academic, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary body in personalistic bioethics, which studies, educates, researchers, and conducts activities in the field of bioethics in the areas of life and health sciences, with an impact on society, in the medical, scientific, technological, political, and legal fields. We serve as a source of opinion that unifies values, science, and life. Mission: Promote the study, academic training, research, and extension activities in the field of bioethics, life sciences, and health, committed to society in solving bioethical dilemmas in the face of technological and scientific advances. Vision: To be recognized nationally and internationally as a reference in personalistic bioethics in the academic, medical, scientific, technological, political, and social fields.UPAEP Members:
Dra. Gabriela Sánchez Machorro
Dra. Nuvia Monter Valera
Mtra. Paulina Chagollán Gudiño
Book: What Nobody Told You About Life Teaching manual for the short film: "The Adventure of Life". Introduction to bioethics. Editorial Anáhuac Mexico. Chapters: Ethical problems surrounding family planning; Contraception, contraception, fertility awareness methods. Abortion.