Academic Group

1Ethics and Educational Processes

Registration date:
Dra. Martha Leticia Gaeta González
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Research lines:
Ethics and Education
Particular lines:
Ethics and Values in Education, Formation Processes, and Educational Practices, Educational Policy, and Management
To generate new knowledge in the areas and disciplines of work and to achieve a timely dissemination of this knowledge; to train high-level human resources and consolidate their work through collaborative networks.UPAEP Members:
Dra. Maria Judith Beatriz Águia Mendoza
Dr. José de Jesús Alcalá Anguiano
Dr. Rodolfo Cruz Vadillo
Dra. Paulina Iturbide Fernández
Dr. Juan Martín López Calva
Dra. María del Socorro Rodríguez Guardado
Dr. Arturo Villanueva González

Miembros externos:Dra. Laura Angélica Bárcenas Pozos, Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla
Dra. Gabriela González Ocampo, Universidad de Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas
Mtra. María Cristina Miranda Álvarez, Universidad Veracruzana
Training of education professionals at the higher education level. Reflections, meanings, practices and perspectives, Rodolfo Cruz Vadillo and Gabriela Croda Borges. 2019
University professors and engagement: trajectories, identities and ethical conflicts, Juan Martín López Calva and Rodolfo Cruz Vadillo. 2023
Gaeta-González, González-Ocampo, Quintana-Terés and Nasta-Salazar (2023). Burnout in Mexican university teachers: self-regulation and co-regulation as coping strategies. Electronic Journal of Research in Educational Psychology, 21(59), 147-172.
2Teacher preparation

Registration date:
Dra. Paulina Iturbide Fernández
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Research lines:
Particular lines:
Reflection and Transformation of Educational Practice
Teaching Practices
To develop educational research that contributes to the field of knowledge of teacher training and teaching practices.UPAEP Members:
Dra. Emma Verónica Santana Valencia
Dr. Rodolfo Cruz Vadillo
Dra. María del Socorro Rodríguez Guardado
Dra. María Judith Beatriz Águila Mendoza
Dr. Manuel Ponce de León Palacios
Dra. Flavia Maricruz Bañuelos Hernández
Mtra. Érika Cepeda Arvizu
Mtro. Francisco Romualdo Rosillo Segura
Dra. Sandra Castilleja Jiménez
Dr. Juan Martín López Calva
Dr. Giovanni Chávez Melo
Santana, E. e Iturbide, P. (2019) Profesionalización docente: Procesos y perspectivas para la transformación de las prácticas educativas. Ediciones del lirio - UPAEP
Cruz, R. (2021), Significados sobre política educativa desde la perspectiva del profesorado de educación obligatoria y superior en México, Revista Educación, volumen 45, número 1, ISSN0379-7082
Santana, E. y Chávez, G. (2022) Teacher and digital educational inclusion in times of crisis. Revista iberoamericana de tecnologías del aprendizaje. IEEE Explore, Vol 17 Pag 110 – 114
Ponce de León, M. y Chávez, G. Comunidades profesionales de aprendizaje (en proceso de dictaminación)
3Research in Novo-Hispanic Cultural Studies

Registration date:
Dra. María Pía Benítez de Unánue
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Research lines:
Human Person, Dignity, and Transcendence
Particular lines:
Art, Architecture, and Urbanism in Colonial Mexico.
Cultural Resources and Tourism.
History, Life, and Society in Colonial Mexico.
Philosophy, Religion, and Thought in Colonial Mexico.
To create a meeting place that fosters dialogue on mexicanity, through the creation of a specialised centre that allows for an in-depth study of the characteristic facets of New Spanish culture between the 16th and 18th centuries, as well as to promote the dissemination of its manifestations both to the scientific community and to the general public through a series of programmes aimed in this direction.UPAEP Members:
Dra. Verónica L. Orozco Velázquez
Ing. José Antonio Quintana Fernández
Mtro. Eugeno Urrutia Albisua
Dr. Noé Blancas Blancas
Dr. David Sánchez Sánchez
Mtra. Paola Jeannete Vera Baez
Dr. Juan Manuel Márquez Murad
Mtra. Rocío Fierro Trujillo
Dra. Robin Ann Rice Carlssohn
Dra. María Dolores Dib y Álvarez
Mtro. Hugo Ricardo García y García

Miembros externos:Dr. Francisco Javier Pizarro Gómez (U. de Extremadura
Dra. María Teresa Rodríguez Prieto (Dir. Museo de Badajoz)
Dra. Yolanda Fernández Muñoz (U. de Extremadura)
Dra. Rosa María Perales Piqueres (U. de Extremadura)
Dra. Alicia Díaz Mayordomo (U. Extremadura)
Dr. Francisco Javier Cambero Santano (U. Extremadura)
Dra. Isabel Fraile Martín (BUAP)
Pizarro, F.J, (dir), Quintana, J.A. (dir), Perales, R.M. (coord.), Benítez, M.P. (coord.), (2018) The Convents of the 16th Century Puebla y Morelos, Puebla: UPAEP University, University of Extremadura.
4Community, school and family

Registration date:
Dra. Emma Verónica Santana Valencia
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Research lines:
Family and Society
Particular lines:
Educational and Training Processes from the University.
Social, School, and Family Interaction
Family Dynamics and its Social Projection
Family, Inclusion, and Education.
Generate research through various processes where education has an influence, such as society, schools, and families.
Use mathematical tools for the analysis, design, and proposal of solutions to present problems in engineering.
UPAEP Members:
Dra. Margarita Teyssier Lagos
Mtra. Sonia Leal Díaz Conti
Mtro. Carlos Ortíz Mugennburg

Miembros externos:Dra. Laura Gaeta González (IBERO)
Mtra. Estela García Meléndez (Sector Salud)
Publication of the book Experiencias educativas de investigación: Familia, escuela y docentes (Educational Research Experiences: Family, School and Teachers).
5Supply Chain Logistics Systems Planning

Registration date:
Dr. Santiago Omar Caballero Morales
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Research lines:
Supply Chain Optimization / Logistics Management Systems
Particular lines:
Supply Chain Optimization.
Logistic Management Systems.
To develop inter- and intra-institutional basic and applied science projects in the field of optimisation and management of logistics systems to solve industrial and social problems.UPAEP Members:
Dra. Diana Sánchez Partida
Dra. Patricia Cano Olivos
Dr. José Luis Martínez Flores
Dr. Damián Emilio Gibaja Romero
Dr. Hertwin Minor Popocatl

Registration date:

Dra. Genoveva Rosano Ortega
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Research lines:
Environment and Sustainability
Particular lines:
Life Sciences and Bioethics.
UPAEP Members:
7Health Sciences

Registration date:
Dra. Virginia Sedeño Monge
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Research lines:
Community Health
Particular lines:
Immunopathological basis of non-communicable diseases
Analysis and characterisation of the immune response in infection with Dengue virus and other arboviruses.
Prevalence and characteristics of the inflammatory process in metabolic syndrome.
Management and educational processes in Health Sciences
Research in Bioethics
To carry out research and promote it, through the generation of projects, publication of articles, and dissemination of the knowledge generated.UPAEP Members:
José Manuel Madrazo Cabos
Carlos César Robles Carrillo
Clara Luz Pérez Quiroga
Cristina López García
Elizabeth Pérez Bautista
Tania Estrada Jiménez
Ma. del Rocío Baños Lara
Ma. Francisca Fabiola Mendoza Lucero
Lourdes Meza Jiménez
8Competitiveness and New Forms of Work

Registration date:

Dra. Cynthia María Montaudon Tomas
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Research lines:
Competitiveness and Strategy
Particular lines:
Entrepreneurship and Innovation
Productivity and Competitiveness.
UPAEP Members:
9Person and Action

Registration date:

Dr. Rubén Sánchez Muñoz
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Research lines:
Human Person, Dignity, and Transcendence
Particular lines:
Person and Transcendence
UPAEP Members:
10History of Mexico

Registration date:

Dr. David Sánchez Sánchez
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Research lines:
Human Person, Dignity, and Transcendence
Particular lines:
Colonial Mexico and the Viceroyalty, History of Puebla, History of Mexico through Art, Thought and Education, The Historicity of the Virgin of Guadalupe, The Virgin of Guadalupe and Science, Guadalupan Pedagogy
Articulate and promote interdisciplinary research, study, and dissemination of Mexican history.UPAEP Members: